Is Baltic Amber Jewelry Valuable?

Natural Baltic Amber is a Unique and Precious piece of natural polymer out of resin of Prehistoric Pine Trees. It can be expensive when it is exquisite or even contain rare inclusions such as Plants and Insects that are preserved for years already.
So, the highest values go to those pieces with clearly visible Insect Inclusions, light colors and clarity. These inclusions are often too small to be recognized easily. Larger Baltic Amber pieces are rare, so prices go up.
The natural Baltic Amber is incomparable when it comes to elegance with its exceptionally fine jewelry accessory. Compared to other precious and rare jewelry made from metal and minerals, Amber is naturally alive. Colors of Baltic Amber Jewelry makes it more stunning and even radiating its beauty with many different distinctions from clear to opaque. Baltic Amber Colors can also be designed as a combination of two or so to create a pattern with rich and regal designs and styles.
How much is Baltic Amber worth?
Baltic Amber Jewelry are unquestionably pricey. Those pieces containing Insects or Plants are definitely more priced than plain clean pieces with no inclusions in it. One good example is the Amber cabochons with no insect inclusions. It costs much less per piece, while pieces with easily seen or complete Insect or Plant specimens were sold for thousands of dollars higher.
Also, Very Important.
Bead's shape is important factors in determining the Value of Baltic Amber Jewelry. Some Amber Beads are more highly polished/rounded requires more time to make. Also keep in mind that round beads are more expensive compared with other shapes because much material has to be removed (i.e., goes to waste) to create the shape.
Is Baltic Amber worth more than Amber from other places?
Yes, Baltic Amber is generally more expensive than Amber from other places. Baltic Amber is one of the oldest found in the earth's history, formed over 45 million years ago.
Amber Quality Factors
It is no question that jewelry can last hundreds of years and Baltic Amber Jewelry is of no exception. It can even be a great inheritance for the generations to come. However, to keep the Amber quality last longer, there is only one thing you should do, but to keep each Amber Jewelry in its perfect storage conditions.
This is basically because the stone is very soft-fragile. You may not know it but it is easier to scratch or chip than other precious stones, like diamonds. It is even better to keep your Amber Jewelry wrapped in a soft cloth each piece to prevent it from rubbing against each other.
From a chemical point of view, Amber Amber consists of 79 percent carbon, 10.5 percent hydrogen and 10.5 percent oxygen. Studies with a mass spectrometer have shown that amber contains over 40 compounds as well as Succinic Acids and additive salts of potassium, sodium and iron. Amber extends over three groups of compounds: volatile terpenes and sesquiterpenes, soluble, organic acids and also non-soluble polyether.
Fake vs Real Amber
In the modern world, there are thousands of ways to fake one thing from the original, and even for Amber Jewelries. In fact, there are several tests and techniques used to differentiate fake from the real, but even specialists mistakenly spot one from the other. So, here’s one point, to differentiate a glass from an Amber, always take note that a glass is heavier, harder and colder compared to an Amber.
Baltic Amber is not a Stone, Rock or Gem it is a fossilized tree resin that was formed over 45 million years ago, so it is naturally light weight, warm to the touch and yes can feel like plastic.
Fake Baltic Amber Inclusions
Nowadays, there are a lot of fake Amber industries comprised with relatively smart and inventive people. One way for them to provide fake Amber Inclusion include involves cutting a section from one end of a real piece of Amber. So, there is a resultant space which is then drilled where an inclusion can be placed, an insect or an animal. Animals used are usually alive but only dies after the procedure and when molded with molted resin already. This section is removed and placed back inside the stone and immediately glued with a similar liquid resin. With this you can have a physically the same piece of true Amber that nobody can negate its fakeness.
How to choose and buy Baltic Amber Jewelry?
For every Baltic Amber Jewelry buyer, the most important thing to consider before buying one is to find the genuine product. There are available online resources to use as a research tool before diving into the market for you to note which one is better from the other. There is undeniably an ocean of fake Amber in the market, anywhere in fact, so it best to always make sure the original natural Amber is the one you catch so to make your investment worthy. Learn more how to buy Baltic Amber Jewelry.
What first time buyers need to know
For every first-time buyer, the most important thing you need to know is how to maintain the value and exquisiteness of your Baltic Amber Jewelry. Amber is soft and fragile, so it requires gentle treatment. You do not need to clean your Amber Jewelry with abrasive jewelry cleaners or wearing it while being highly active. To clean your Amber, rub it with a soft cloth. Avoid spraying with hairspray or perfume, and apply these products sparingly where amber could come into contact with them. Learn more how to Care for Baltic Amber Jewelry.
Amber Artisans
About The Author
As a small business, both in our town and in the world, we are extremely focused on every customer. Quality is our #1 priority so that everyone who buys from us has a very successful and personal experience. We are working with natural genuine Baltic Amber and our craft is something we infuse in every sale we make. We want our customers to know how very important they are to us and that we care about every aspect of what we do. Amber is very personal to us. It's the treasure of our country. And it's the most powerful homeopathic remedy that we can give to each and every person who reaches out to us.